Hello! I know I haven't made a post since March, but due to the fact that I have lost my own laptop (which is a long story too infuriating to tell) I'm sharing one with my boyfriend and it makes blogging, net time, and SL in general hard. However! I come back with a vengeance! Though not too terribly vengeance-y.
I went to the Hair Fair last year and it was still new, so needless to say I wasn't all that excited. Well, that and the fact that I was playing my boy avvy on an event sim catering mostly to females. And this year it still did, BUT! I have my terribly beautiful Sylvie here. :)
Anyway, I was shocked at the number of freebies available there! Not only hair but actual outfits as well. However, I wasn't able to visit all the booths due to lag and inability to enter some of the regions at different times, so I went through my freebies and created a look from them.

I picked up the Hi-Top's from
Truth's HF booth. They're really cute and exquisitely detailed. Sort of a spray painted, street look (which is also why I picked this New York back drop, the shoes inspired me :D). The outfit and hair came from
Posh, whom I just heard of at the Hair Fair. They have some seriously cute emo inspired hair so they're worth a look.
I also found something AMAZING at the Hair Fair, but that merits it's own post. ;)
Get the look:
Skin- Leona Tan 12, Redgrave
Hair- Cinderella late for the Ball (dollarbie @ HF), Posh
Shirt- Red Polka Dot Doll Dress (top portion, dollarbie @HF), Posh
Shorts- Blue Plaid Booty Shorts (dollarbie @ HF), Posh
Shoes- Hair Fair Hi-Tops, Truth